Tracking Assessments
As an employee, it is important for you to know what is going on in the organization, especially within your sphere of work. As a result you must personally consider each of the four targets.
Monitor Relevant Indicators: CG41
Use existing systems, or devise your own, so that you can monitor your own activities and relevant influences, even in regard to matters not currently on the radar of management. Getting rapid (private) feedback that is directly relevant to your work will allow you to correct an emerging problem rapidly or to take other action that prevents or resolves the problem.
Pre-empt criticism by bringing an issue to the attention of management early, before management brings it to your attention later.
, crises will get far more attention than analyses of figures. Nevertheless, most organizations will have some relevant indicators, and they may make them available. In any case, you should consider what figures you can organize via your own initiative.Appraise Yourself & Others: CG42
Be realistic about your own actual performance, including relevant factors that constrained you or made work easier for you. Over time you should reflect on how you work and compare it to the way others work.
Think about both the type and level of work that you can do now. Also imagine the type of work (and its level) that you might be able to do in the future.

Our intuitive sense of a suitable ambition is commonly rather accurate. Nevertheless, you need to get feedback from others to help deal with tendencies either to excessive self-criticism (due to past bad experiences or perfectionism), or to egotism and self-aggrandizement. If you are narcissistic, your cocoon-like armor is designed to protect you from self-awareness and direct communications. So feedback may be too painful or disruptive to accept.
Psychometric tests that simply feed your preferences back to you often need to be taken with a grain of salt. In any case, your preferences and automatic tendencies may be what need to change if you are to develop your full potential.
Being in a job that is too difficult for you can lead to illness. Being in a job that is too easy for you will lead to frustration and feelings of futility or oppression. Getting it right is worth the effort. (THEE offers you many useful perspectives in this regard.)
Also appraise the performance of your superiors and co-workers, noting both their strengths and their limitations. Being realistic about yourself, and about them, will allow you to handle interactions and joint work sensibly.
Study Evaluations of Outcomes: CG43
An employee, like you, can only ever make a very partial assessment of organizational benefit. So focus on yourself and the part you played (if any).
Note how major projects are handled and evaluated, and get hold of the results. They could be relevant to how you fit in the organization. You may be encouraged to move within the organization, or look for a more suitable post elsewhere.
Press to Join Reviews of Missions CG44
It is important to know how senior management views the importance and future of your section, and possibly your specific area of work.
So, although you may not be successful, press firmly for participation in mission reviews if your role/post is affected. When outcomes of these reviews are circulated, read them and consider how you are affected by them. If you are relatively junior in the organization, then find the union or staff organization that represents your interests.
often seem to be vacuous, get only lip service, and end up as placards on the wall. However,► Continue to the inquiry aspects of assessment.
Originally posted: 20-Oct-2011